Thursday, June 27, 2013

Starting Your Day the Healthy Way

Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but not many people actually start their day right. There are the common complaints: “I’m not hungry when I wake up” or “I don’t have enough time.” But these justifications are just hiding the fact that you’re not being healthy.

One easy fix for that is a breakfast smoothie. And we can help you with that at Angora Ice!

Start your day off with a refreshing, filling (but not too filling) smoothie. The benefits are astounding. Rather than taking a vitamin supplement every day, you could receive most of your nutrients from one meal, and that’s with a simple breakfast smoothie! Also, the kick-start to your digestive system will help your body run faster and help you lose weight.

While some discourage lots of fruits because of their sugars, the natural sugar in the fruit gives you the energy to power through your morning. Additionally, by using real fruit in your smoothie, you’ll retain the fiber and minerals not typically found in a breakfast.

Angora Ice offers a variety of smoothies that include all different fruits, nutri-paks, natural sweeteners and even coffee. Make us a part of your morning routine, and swing by so that we can whip you up a smoothie to start you off on your day! Click here to view our smoothie menu.

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