Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lactose Free, No Problem!

As a race, humans are slightly indulgent. For example, all lactose items are not supposed to be consumed after a certain young age because we lack the enzyme to break it down and the nutrients are no longer as important. However, we love cheese and milk and ice cream.

For all of you who are lactose intolerant, we offer a solution: soy-based yogurt! The vanilla flavored yogurt is a great alternative that allows anyone the ability to still consumer frozen yogurt. Also, there are many benefits to using a soy base, rather than a normal vanilla one.

Soy naturally has protein, so when you want that ice cream for dinner, you don’t have to feel as guilty because you will be getting protein! Moreover, soy can help reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers.

In addition to soy yogurt, we also offer soy and almond milk as alternatives for smoothies. If you’re lactose-free and craving that sweet ice cream, stop by and try out our soy base!

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